What is Agro Homeopathy used for?

by | Jul 20, 2024 | Agrohomeopathy

Homoeopathy, a practice that has been around for over 200 years for animals and humans, has now found its way to plants in the form of agro homeopathy. This is a natural and sustainable method for those who wish to enhance their crops with minimal chemical usage. It has been proven effective in aiding seed germination, repelling pests, and improving crop yield while maintaining a balance with nature.

Seed germination with plant homeopathy

Seed germinating can sometimes be hit and miss, depending on how they are stored and how you try to germinate them. However, with homeopathy, you can increase the germination rate! 

Studies have found that different potencies, which refer to the strength or concentration of the homeopathic remedy, will affect plants at different rates. For instance, Sulphur 200c does not work well with radishes compared to other potencies (1). (Marques et al., 2012(6)) studied how homeopathic Arsenicum Album would affect seeds, showing that the different potencies of remedies affect the germination rate. (Barbosa et al. (3)) studied Brassica oleracea seed germination rates and found that phosphorus 6c did increased the seed germination rate.

Can homeopathy control plant diseases and pests?

Plants are susceptible to a variety of diseases, from environmental factors to fungi, pests, bacteria, and viruses. However, with the help of homeopathy, these threats can be effectively managed.(5) Belladonna has been found to inhibit mycelial growth in cucumber plants, while Cina has significantly reduced root-knot diseases caused by nematodes (4). Even fungal rusts can be eliminated using Silica. This control over plant diseases instills a sense of security and confidence in plant cultivation.

Pest management can be revolutionised with remedies that strengthen plants’ defences. A recent study has found that homoeopathy is effective in boosting wheat production. It looked at ten randomised clinical control studies and found a positive effect compared with the placebo group (2).

Factors that were affected:

  • Germination rate
  • Plant height
  • Biomass
  • Grain yield 
  • Disease resistance

What about preparation and dilution from an agro homeopathy remedy purchased?

The ‘remedy’ in agro homeopathy refers to a highly diluted and succussed substance that stimulates the plant’s natural healing processes. It can be diluted to various ratios and still be effective, and the homoeopathic remedy can be detected. Studies have found that a dilution of 1:1000 leaves no detectable trace of alcohol, but there is a trace of the homoeopathic remedy, and that the ratios of 1:500 or 1:1000 have the most significant effect on plants (1).

For the home gardener, it is best to use a watering can or sprayer that is either brand new or has only ever had water in it; do not use one that has had any chemicals in it. Dilute the remedy as per the instructions on the container and water away. Let the container completely dry out if planning to use a different remedy in the same container. Make sure to label this one for the remedies. Do not worry about giving a remedy to plants when pets or kids are around; it is safe for them, too. The remedy will continue to act long after the water is no longer visible. 

For the commercial grower, if using tanks, ensure they can be completely dried out after putting the remedy in the water or use a big sprayer that has never been used for chemicals. If a sprinkler system is used to give the remedy, let the lines dry out before watering again, as traces of the remedy will still be in the tubing. 

It is incredible how agrohomeopathy can enhance plants, and the scientific evidence is now backing up the validity of homeopathic remedies’ usefulness!


  1. Agrohomeopathy: an emerging field of agriculture for higher crop productivity and protection of plants against various stress conditions. 2018, IJRAR, October 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4. 
  2. How Homeopathy Can Boost Wheat Production and Disease Resistance 
  3. Barbosa IS, Valério TS, Siqueira CM, Salgueiro AM, Gomes MDN. 2012.Evaluation of the effects of homeopathic medicines on the germination seeds of Brassica oleracea l. var. Italica, Int J High DilutionRes, 11(40):213-214.
  4. Sukul NC, Ghosh S, Sukul A, Sinhababu SP. 2006 Jul.Amelioration of root-knot disease of lady’s finger plants by potentized Cina and Santonin, Homeopathy, 95(3):144-147.
  5. Fagan RV, Reis B,Schawan-Estrada KRF, Bonato CM. 2011.High dilution of Belladonna affect the mycelial growth of Corynesporacassiicola in vitro, Int J High Dilution Res.10(36):245-248.
  6. Marques RM, Reis B, Cavazin ACT, Moreira FC Buchoski M, Silva HA, Lolis M, Bonato CM.2011.Germination and vigour of seed of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) treated with Arsenicum album. Int J High Dilution Res, 10(36):239-244.